The QueerCentric EP 40: Mama Ocean Talks Finding a Way that is True To You

A healer, a teacher, a creator, an actor, and a conduit of light; join Jonny as he sits down with Mama Ocean.  We talk about avenues of healing and growth outside of what is considered mainstream in our culture.  Get ready to expand your mind!

The QueerCentric is the companion podcast to the popular digital magazine of the same name ( ).  This is a place to go beyond the pages, to talk about what is happening around us and to have meaningful conversations about the World and culture as it affects the LGBTQ+ people.  The magazine was only one step in uncovering our voices again.  It is important to step up and speak out, for as the World has proven, we cannot afford to be silent even for a minute.  Who said we can’t have fun along the way!


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